01 Nest
01 Nest


01 Nest

Ceramic nightstand with talismanic objects and found organic materials

02 Returning to that midnight heartbeat
02 Returning to that midnight heartbeat


02 Returning to that midnight heartbeat

Three-vessel sculpture with mirror, vine connection, bronze joint

03 I feel her living in you and I know she is the same as the one that lives in me
03 I feel her living in you and I know she is the same as the one that lives in me
04 Is it all you imagined
04 Is it all you imagined


04 Is it all you imagined

Ceramic vessel with copper lattice

05 I reach and I reach and I forgive the girl who loves you (a part of you lives on in me forever)
05 I reach and I reach and I forgive the girl who loves you (a part of you lives on in me forever)
06 A blessing for the way you will not know me
06 A blessing for the way you will not know me
Looking to See, Seeing to Know
Looking to See, Seeing to Know


Looking to See, Seeing to Know

Installed work of Looking to See, Seeing to Know

Thesis Document
Thesis Document


Thesis Document

Documentation of work, statements, philosophy

Work by

Byori Seo


“Looking to See, Seeing to Know employs craft as a method of communication manifested in a series of metal and ceramic talismanic objects serving as physical metaphors for familial relationships and...” [More]