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Crunchatize Me Cap'n
Crunchatize Me Cap'n


Crunchatize Me Cap'n

This painting is part of my thesis body of work titled " Fridges, Shelves, and Shit (From Florence to Florida). Inspired by the market stall painting of the Renaissance, the reference for this painting was taken in the grocery section of a Target.... More

Fridges, Shelves, and Shit
Fridges, Shelves, and Shit


Fridges, Shelves, and Shit

This installation is part of my thesis body of work titled "Fridges, Shelves, and Shit (From Florence to Florida)". For these sculptures I made moulds of actual soda cans/bottles. I then cast in plaster and painted each bottle/can by hand with... More

La Croix Lover Series
La Croix Lover Series


La Croix Lover Series

A series of more "realistic" looking can sculptures. My goal is to eventually paint all of the La Croix can flavours available in Canada. I cast the cans in plaster using the mould I made for my thesis and then hand paint the cans down to every... More

The Picnic
The Picnic


The Picnic

This installation was used as a mock install for a later project I am hoping to create called "The Picnic of the Pantry I Wish i had". When creating this work I had the idea for a new work about further investigating nostalgia.

Thirst Trap
Thirst Trap


Thirst Trap

This painting is the first painting of my thesis body of work titled "Fridges, Shelves, and Shit (From Florence to Florida). This painting was completed during my semester abroad in the OCAD University Florence program and speaks on the... More

Work by

Madison Rudin

“Since I can remember I have been entranced by grocery stores and the overwhelming amount visual stimulation they provide. In my work, I bring my love affair with the grocery store into paint....” [More]