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Artwork Collection

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Artwork Collection


Painting Oils Watercolours Acrylics Portraits Studies Observational Study.

Thesis - "Here I am"
Thesis - "Here I am"

Artwork Collection

Thesis - "Here I am"

"Here I am" is a series of coloured illustrations that reveals little-known facts about people with the genetic condition of Down Syndrome. Inspired by my little brother’s life and the lives of celebrity personalities with this condition, I depict... More

Down Syndrome Awareness People Life Milestones Social and Medical Facts.

Weathering Through a Troubled Climate
Weathering Through a Troubled Climate

Artwork Collection

Weathering Through a Troubled Climate

Illustrating the climate challenges of our age.

Anthropocene Climate Change Global Warming Fauna Animals Humans Nature.

Worlds & Characters
Worlds & Characters

Artwork Collection

Worlds & Characters

Creations in pen & ink.

Pen & Ink Ink Markers Black & White Comics Graphic Novels Concept Art Design Linework.

Work by

Geneviève Groulx aka. Ève

“I work at the intersection of the humanities and the sciences--of biology and art, of knowledge and imagination, of fact and fiction. A fundamental part of my artistic process consists in observing...” [More]