Faculty of Art
Drawing and Painting
“My paintings depict my idea of a utopian future and its creation process; the world I imagine as a beautiful mess. By exploring the contradictory concepts of continuity and uncertainty of time and space, I visualize the coexistence of possible futures and express the transition period in present. I see the feasibility of idealization in the scientific theories and evidence that this moment, a few seconds you are reading, consists of numerous opportunities to determine the future.The vulnerability and dissatisfaction arising from reality make me imagine the distant future. A world existing beyond my time of life is eternal, following the fixed concept of 'time' and being unable to see the complex relations at once. No one can artificially create a world where differences become similarities. Still, I believe humanity will achieve the ideal world surviving this time and its confusion. The components of utopia are the belief in future change and the encouragement for today's transformation.”

Adriana Yunjeong Lee was born and raised in Seoul, Korea, and is currently based in Toronto. She is completing her BFA in Drawing and Painting with a minor in On-Screen media at OCAD University, focusing on painting and video installation works. Her use of materials has been various from watercolour to oil, exploring the abstraction from scientific theories and its visualization. Growing up with scientist parents, the development of science, technology, and revisions for society has been her inspiration to imagine the ideal world where differences become similarities and exist as someone from the earth.
OCAD U - Faculty of Art
On-screen Media
Minor In progress
Painting Drawing Video installation Watercolour
2021, Artist's Choice
Women's Art Association of Canada
2020, Small Gems
Women's Art Association of Canada
2020, Born to Be Trash
Ada Slaight Gallery
2019, Scusa?
OCADU Florence studio
2021, Bursary for International Students
OCAD University