Faculty of Art

Drawing and Painting



aka. Luna Pumura, Painting / Performance

“Artistic expression is the main way I communicate who I am and my experiences to the world. The main thing I explore in my art is living with autism spectrum disorder, and how it affects the perception of my senses. I do so through my whimsical brain painting pieces, installations, and accompanying harp music I record for my performance art.”

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Luna was born in Ukraine, then moved to Canada with family at 9 years old. Visual and performance art has always been a part of her life, and a comfortable way to express herself. Currently Luna is a full time floral designer in Toronto, as well as self-employed mixed media artist. During her OCAD U studies Luna has experimented with a variety of painting techniques and styles, as well as: sculpture, performance art, mixed media installations, and found objects art. This spring she will be graduating as a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the Drawing & Painting program.
OCAD U - Faculty of Art
Drawing and Painting
Major Completed, 2021
Areas of expertise

Painting Floral Design Mixed Media Art

2021, GradEx 106