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Meet the Artist



aka. Raaastiin, installation-soft sculpture

“My art serves as a deeply personal reflection of my lived experiences, delving into the intricate landscapes of the human mind. I believe in the profound power of exploration, viewing the mind as a vast and sacred territory to travel through. Through my work, I aim to capture feelings. I immerse myself in the study of life, absorbing lived experiences, and exploring where in my body I physically feel certain feelings.As a soft souled and bodied person, I embrace the tender aspects of my being, infusing them into my artistic practice. Through my art, I offer a glimpse into the profound beauty and vulnerability of the human experience.”

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Yaz Afrooz/Raaastiin (they/them), a Toronto-based artist with roots in Iran, embracing their vibrant identity and weaving it into their art. From their early days in an Iranian art high school to their ongoing journey at OCAD, Yaz's creative path has been shaped by their unique experiences as a nonbinary, queer, Iranian, and neurodivergent person.Yaz's art boldly explores the raw, real aspects of life—the vulnerability of being human, the complexities of bodies, sexuality, and the journey of self-discovery. Their work is a reflection of the ever-changing landscape of their mind, capturing the essence of whatever sparks their imagination in the moment.Beyond mere self-expression, Yaz sees art as a tool for healing and empowerment. Each creation is a personal exploration, a way to navigate and make sense of their world while celebrating their own authenticity and resilience.
OCAD U - Faculty of Art
Cross-Disciplinary Art: Life Studies
Major In progress, 2024

Soft sculpture, Installation Drag political performance

2023, QUEERIOUS: the Politics of Gender Identity
Online Exhibition