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Faculty of Design

Graphic Design

Meet the Designer



Graphic Design

“In the age of digital design, why should we bother with print? Printing can be expensive, technical, time consuming, difficult to predict, not environmentally friendly, and nearly impossible to keep up to date... Does it make sense for us to keep designing for print at all?My work this year is the result of my fascination with and passion for the unique opportunities provided to designers by the medium of print. From the tactile joy of interaction, the want to cherish and preserve work, and the creative solutions designers find in working with print rather than against it, print is still firmly rooted in its place. If anything, now that digital media has taken much of the responsibility off of print for communication, designers and creatives can engage with print for print’s sake, pushing the industry forward into a realm of something new.”

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Hi, I'm Daniella! I’m a designer, illustrator, and self-proclaimed “paper gremlin”, who will happily spend hours talking about print, paper, and physical printed stuff. I’ve also spent the last two years working at OCAD U’s Copy and Print Services, a unique print shop and teaching tool for students, acting as their first introduction to the industry. Seeing first-hand the sentiments of students in regard to printing, as well as the barriers they often encounter, working with students through their projects became a major point of passion and inspiration for my own research and creative work. My process is inseparable from my love of reading, research, and writing. I also really enjoy working with my hands and taking breaks from designing on a screen.I love hearing from fellow print lovers, so please don’t hesitate to reach out, ask questions, suggest readings, or even to simply say hello!
OCAD U - Faculty of Design
Graphic Design
Major Completed, 2024

Print Design Editorial Design Motion Design Illustration Bookbinding Writing & Research

2021, Howard Sokolowski & Linda Frum Scholarship
2020, Jan van Kampen Scholarship