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Faculty of Art

Experimental Animation

Meet the Artist



aka. Printer, Concept Artist and Illustrator

“Printer's journey as a concept artist began at a young age with a simple online alias, which became the foundation of her artistic identity. With a passion for art and a desire to effortlessly "print" whatever comes to mind, Printer has become an emerging concept artist with a unique perspective and commitment to pursuing her passion. From experimenting with different designs and bringing imaginative ideas to life, Printer's dedication to her craft knows no bounds. If you're looking for an artist who is unafraid to take risks and always pushes the limits of what is possible, then Printer is the perfect choice for you.”

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Known by her online alias 'Printer', Liliya Eruysal is a talented illustrator and character designer with a passion for concept art in the entertainment industry. Also skilled in animation, Liliya's main focus is on bringing characters to life through their design, conveying their narrative and personality while maintaining a sense of logical functionality.Liliya had a diverse childhood, having lived in both Russia and Turkey before eventually settling in Canada. Despite not having a lot of professional artistic experience, she dedicates herself to regular practice as part of her ongoing education and passion for the craft. She has completed freelance work, displayed her art at the Agha Khan, and completed an internship at Embreate Studios as a character designer and illustrator.Currently pursuing a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Experimental Animation at OCAD University, Liliya is set to graduate in June of 2023. Her work is largely influenced by sci-fi media, particularly cyberpunk, and explores alternative realities where technology and organic life coexist.Liliya's ultimate goal is to work as a concept artist in the entertainment industry, creating compelling characters and immersive worlds that captivate audiences. Her dedication to her craft and passion for exploring the intersection of technology and humanity make her a promising artist to watch in the future.
OCAD U - Faculty of Art
Experimental Animation
Major Completed, 2023

Concept Art Character Design Illustration Animation Graphic Design

2023, Gradex108
100 McCaul St, Toronto, ON M5T 1W1
2022, OCADU Story Circle Spring Screening
100 McCaul St, Toronto, ON M5T 1W1
2022, Aga Khan Light up the Dark
77 Wynford Dr, North York, ON M3C 1K1
2021, Big Art TO at Aga Khan
77 Wynford Dr, North York, ON M3C 1K1