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Faculty of Design


Meet the Artist




“"Prayer Garden" is a place where people express their hopes and prayers for the future through the planting of specific flowers, not just as a garden, but as a place of emotion, hope and faith. The theme emphasizes how flowers and natural landscapes evoke and map human emotions, deepening our understanding of the intricate relationship between faith, hope and emotion.”

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Hi! I’m Ann Ai, an illustrator based in Vancouver, BC. I graduated from the Illustration program at the Ontario College of Art and Design, specializing in digital painting. My artwork is marked by a gentle and aesthetic style that is dedicated to the profound communication of emotions.Through my art, I strive to capture the essence of emotions and moments, translating them into visual narratives that resonate and inspire.
OCAD U - Faculty of Design
Major Completed, 2024

Digital Illustration Watercolor Paintings Acrylic Gouache Package Design

2024, SLA - Major Works
Artscape Youngplace Hallway Galleries, 180 Shaw Street, Toronto