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Faculty of Art

Drawing and Painting

Meet the Artist



“Life is a series of experiences that leave an impact, shaping my actions, feelings, and contemplations. Even seemingly insignificant experiences contribute to my internal makeup, tracing back to create a unique effect within me, which forms my identity. I see this accumulation of effects as a journey of self-knowledge, which drives my art, as I create a unique, immersive experience for the viewer through mark-makings and colours. I explore the possibility of oil paint as a medium and its ability, employing brushstrokes as the factors that evoke a range of emotions and reactions. Rather than focusing on a specific narrative or ideology, I am interested in the potential effects of the pictorial and the multifaceted experiences it can offer. Through repetition, overlay, and gestural mark-making paired with overwhelming colours, I elicit an endless array of resonances. Creating a realm of internalization, I invite the viewers to participate in an ongoing 'Open-ended pictorial' discourse.”

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Margot Blackk is a self-taught abstract painter who explores identity in her open-ended pictorial work. Her art encourages internalization and offers limitless interpretations, free from narrow ideology. Margot's immersive art fosters self-knowledge and invites viewers to engage in personal reflection. She uses gestural mark-making and layering techniques to create expressive artwork that evokes emotions and reactions. Through her art, Margot creates a realm of self-discovery that is open to interpretation and encourages immersion in the art.
OCAD U - Faculty of Art
Drawing and Painting
Major Completed, 2024

Drawing Painting

2024, Please, Black! (solo)
Ada Slaight gallery, Toronto, On
2023, Iridescence (group)
Ada Slaight Gallery, Toronto, On
2023, Adversity to Contemplation (solo)
Ada Slaight Gallery, Toronto, On