Meet the Designer
Design for Health
“I am passionate about the design and health intersections. As a retired professor of pharmacy at the University of California, San Diego, I continue to find interest in educating in the intersection of health and design. My final research project for my master's degree in Design for Health was an ethnographic study looking at art and Alzheimer's disease. This study was inspired by my mother's journey through Alzheimer's disease and the artwork she created through her years of cognitive decline. I am an avid storyteller and through design I have been able to share this very personal story. I continue to strive toward storytelling, of health and health related topics, through design. Please visit my website to learn more about my work. ”

California State Board of Pharmacy
R.Ph. California Pharmacist.
Major Completed, 1992
Trinity College of Music, London, UK
Speech and Drama, ATCL and LTCL teacher's diploma
Major Completed, 1981
Witwatersrand Technikon, Johannesburg, South Africa
Dip. Pharm, R.Ph. Pharmacy.
Major Completed, 1981
Design for Health Speech and Drama Communication, acting, writing Storytelling Art and Alzheimer's Health Literacy Inclusive Design Health Education Human-centred design Knowledge translation
2022, Avril, Art and Alzheimer's
2016, Excellence in Teaching Award