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Faculty of Arts & Science

Digital Futures

Meet the Designer




“Isaak is a digital artist and designer exploring structures of power and systems of governance in the digital age.”

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I'm a multidisciplinary designer whose practice spans animation, 3d modelling, graphic design, installation, writing, and beyond. I've worn many hats both in my time at OCAD and as a professional outside of school, but I think the element at the heart of my practice and what defines my work as a designer is my interest in writing and articulated communication. I have a passion for and a penchant for trying to find the best possible way to express concepts and ideas.
OCAD U - Faculty of Arts & Science
Digital Futures
Major In progress, 2022

Communications Copywriting Digital design Technical writing

2021, Big Art TO
RC Harris Waterworks, Toronto
2021, Recognition for collaboration on medal-winning work Prometheus