Meet the Artist



Interdisciplinary Sculpture and Installation

“My interdisciplinary work reevaluates the potentiality of disregarded urban infrastructure to become more-than-material aesthetic entities and critically reassesses the body-infrastructure relationship. "(...) un espace d'en bas, un espace de la boue, c'est un espace qui peut être courant comme l'eau vive, c'est un espace qui peut être fixé, figé comme la pierre ou comme le cristal (...)" / "a space from below, of mud; or again, a space that can be flowing like sparkling water, or space that is fixed, congealed, like stone or crystal." Michel Foucault, "Des espaces aures" ”

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Caro Simon (b.1997) is an interdisciplinary artist from Belgium/Luxembourg living and practicing in T’karonto (Toronto). She primarily works in sculpture/installation, poetry, printmaking and analog photography. Drawing from minimalist purposelessness, post-vandalism and abstraction, her work examines the distanced, political modes of interactions between bodies and disregarded urban infrastructure as well as the anti-aesthetic in the context of postindustrial environments.
OCAD U - Faculty of Art
Major Completed, 2024
OCAD U - Faculty of Art
Printmaking & Publications
Minor Completed, 2024
L'Institut des Arts Appliqués (LISAA)
Preparatory year in Art and Design
Major Completed, 2020
University of Cadix
Roman Languages (Spanish)
Minor Completed, 2019
University of Liège
Roman Languages and Literature
Major Transferred

Sculpture Poetry/Writing Adobe Cloud Suite (InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator) Installation Analog photography Woodwork Welding (Mig & Tig) Languages and Literature Set Design

2023, SC//N
Beaver Hall, Toronto (Canada)
2022, UNREST (Blink Twice Collective)
1132 Dundas Street East, Toronto (Canada)
2022, RAW Generate
Fountain Blu
2020, Transpoesie Festival 10th Edition
Brussels, Belgium
2020, Anthology of Young Luxembourgish Poets
2019, Printemps poétique transfrontalier
Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg
2019, Die Schienbeine der Stadt
parasitenpresse, Germany
2024, Ignite Gallery Sculpture and Installation Award
OCAD University
2023, Women's Art Association of Canada Mary E. Dignam Scholarship
OCAD University
2022, Birgid Ebsen Scholarship
OCAD University
2016, 1st Price category "Jeune Printemps du Luxembourg"
Printemps des Poètes 2016