Dérives or How a fragility was overcome (but not in this book)
Dérives or How a fragility was overcome (but not in this book)


Dérives or How a fragility was overcome (but not in this book)

As a tangible continuation of the sculptural work "Residuum", I created a book-object-archive called "Dérives or How a fragility was overcome (but not in this book)". The book is a non-exhaustive, poetic archive of non-cultural infrastructure.

Residuum or Something that remains continues to exist when other things no longer do
Residuum or Something that remains continues to exist when other things no longer do


Residuum or Something that remains continues to exist when other things no longer do

"Residuum or Something that remains continues to exist when other things no longer do" presents an installation of seven anti-monuments that create an autonomous "terrain" (metabolism). A "terrain" of silent remnants of "rêveries" (daydreams) in... More

Work by

Caro Simon

Interdisciplinary Sculpture and Installation

“My interdisciplinary work reevaluates the potentiality of disregarded urban infrastructure to become more-than-material aesthetic entities and critically reassesses the body-infrastructure...” [More]