Meet the Artist



Textile artist

“The memorable essence of knitting re-invoked memories of practicing hand knitting as a child and fused them with modern technologies of a knitting machine. Adding every single stitch and knitting them together is like a performative ritual to me. During the process, stitches unite with each other to make a wearable piece. I believe that it gives me the chance to convey my feelings to the audience(s) by touching pieces as well. ”

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Termeh Ghazi is an Iranian- Canadian Textile artist. She was born and raised in Iran and moved to Canada in 2015. She has a Bachelor of Design in Material Art And Design from OCAD University. Her works are mostly inspired by using Iranian traditionl motifs in vibrant colours. Her art based pieces present three dimensional effects both as wearable and decorative.
OCAD U - Faculty of Design
Material Art & Design
Major Completed, 2022
Northern Tehran Islamic Azad University
Major Completed, 2001

Material Art And Design (Textiles)

2022, Termeh Ghazi
OCAD University
2022, bursary
OCAD University (Toronto)
2021, bursary
OCAD University (Toronto)
2020, bursary
OCAD University (Toronto)
2019, bursary
OCAD University (Toronto)
2018, bursary
OCAD University (Toronto)