Ke Chai

Phoenix Reborn (凤凰涅槃)

11x17 in
The black hand and the flame symbolize the phoenix's trials and tribulations, its struggle to break through the darkness, and its plight to find the light and be reborn. The image's diagonal composition, sharp textures, and cool and warm colour palette inspire people to believe in freedom and hope and be courageous in the face of adversity.

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Phoenix Reborn (凤凰涅槃)
Phoenix Reborn (凤凰涅槃)
2024, GradEx 109
100 McCaul Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5T 1W1

Work by

Ke Chai aka. Karina


“"The Wishes" depicts a series of illustrations from traditional Chinese culture in which people symbolize things (animals, plants, objects) as a trust for happiness and give them good expectations...” [More]