Auspicious Days of The Three Sheeps (三羊开泰)
The sheep symbolize the prosperity of life and the power of things reviving when winter passes and spring comes.
Carp Jump Over The Dragon Gate(鲤鱼跃龙门)
The perseverance of the carp's willpower and the spirit of not giving up show that people support their faith in the cultural background of China.
Deers On The Road (鹿路通)
The deer is the same as "road" in Chinese syllables, symbolizing a smooth path in life. Its curvilinear composition brings together the running for hopes and wealth. It shows the spirit of hard work and perseverance.
Endless Life (生生不息)
The pattern of the three rabbits sharing the same ears is still a classic that has been passed down to this day. It's an endorsement of faith. In China, the three rabbits' ears represent the cycle of life, the never-ending force of life.
Five Fortunes (五福临门)
Five bats harmonized with the Chinese character "Fu" represent the five gods' good wishes for people: "Fortune, Longevity, Happiness, Luck, and Wealth."
Passing of the Throne (代代封侯)
In Chinese legend, monkeys are humanity's ancestors, and one monkey sitting on top of another means being a vassal for generations. After referring to the Chinese historical background and designing the image as an official hat with a monkey king... More
Phoenix Reborn (凤凰涅槃)
The black hand and the flame symbolize the phoenix's trials and tribulations, its struggle to break through the darkness, and its plight to find the light and be reborn. The image's diagonal composition, sharp textures, and cool and warm colour... More
Pine and Crane (松鹤延年)
The elements of planted pine trees and animal cranes as characters in mythical stories to show people's perseverance and strong belief in dealing with difficulties. It means praying for immortality and hoping for a long life.
Ruyi (事事“狮狮”如意)
“Ruyi,” in Buddhism, is in the patterns of lychee, which means prosperity, symbolizing peace and success. When two lions come out, they will hold a Ruyi ring around them to represent the smooth birth of new life and to bless healthy growth.
The Magpie Announces The Good News (喜鹊登梅)
The magpies represent the meaning of "happiness." When it flies on the branches, it means that good or happy things will come.
Work by
Ke Chai aka. Karina
“"The Wishes" depicts a series of illustrations from traditional Chinese culture in which people symbolize things (animals, plants, objects) as a trust for happiness and give them good expectations...” [More]