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Faculty of Design


Mira Armstrong

Resource Guarding

Pencil crayons, Watercolour, Gouache & Ink Pens
11" x 15"
A leopard will store it’s meal up in a tree to prevent it being stolen by other predators. This image depicts this instance exactly, but replaces the all main elements with difference visualizations of money. Therefore ascribing the idea that all of humanity's resources are dependent on currency. The tree the leopard is in (shelter) is drawn as a money tree, with the cache it defends being a "cash cow" (food) showing how often our basic needs translate into money.

“Like animals, we require food, water, and shelter to survive. Where we differ is in our dependence on money which humans’ ultimate resource to afford survival. Whereas animals depend entirely on their own abilities. ”

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Resource Guarding
Resource Guarding

Work by

Mira Armstrong


“ANIMAL-LIKE is a series of conceptual-editorial illustrations depicting the contradicting nature of humanity using the guise of animals. The aim is to start a discussion concerning our...” [More]