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Faculty of Art

Drawing and Painting

Claudia Kossak

Between the Ups and Downs pt.1

Mixed Media on Canvas
48" x 120"
"Between the Ups and Downs pt.1" explores the role of emotions and feelings in shaping my development as a person and an artist. The colour palette of blues and purples convey a sense of melancholy and introspection, while the layered depth represents the complexity of my human experiences. This piece also reflects the inevitable downs in life, reminding us that these moments are an essential part of our growth and development.

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Between the Ups and Downs pt.1
Between the Ups and Downs pt.1

Work by

Claudia Kossak


“I see painting as an escape from the real world. Allowing myself to listen to my emotions and feelings, and releasing that energy into my work has greatly shaped my practice as a whole. With the...” [More]