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Faculty of Art

Drawing and Painting

Madhura Thavalingam

Lost in the Breeze

Oil on Canvas
8 x 10"
This painting is one of two within the collection, "Once Upon A Lost Time," which presents a landscape from my childhood that, due to development, no longer physically exists. This particular place hints to a place which was once regularly frequented by myself, that at a time contained a structure with a vast field behind it and an entrance framed by a variety of large trees. These trees which I admired daily now have no trace left, except for the commemoration of them and their memory within this work

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Lost in the Breeze
Lost in the Breeze
Lost in the Breeze
Lost in the Breeze
2024, GradEX 109
OCAD University

Work by

Madhura Thavalingam

Drawing and Painting

“We lay our scene in a domestic interior reminiscent of those from another time, where decorative patterns of green foliage line the walls and over which hangs a small collection of landscape...” [More]