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Faculty of Design


Shanae Winslow

Old-Time Roots

Mixed Media, Watercolour & India Ink, Digital Collage
11" x 16"
This piece celebrates the banjo’s displaced and forgotten history as a beautiful product of the African diaspora. It features the first iteration of the banjo (the gourd banjo), the transitional “Minstrel banjo,” and my central protagonist playing a more contemporary (circa 1858) 5-string (but still fretless) banjo “clawhammer” style. “Old-Time” refers to the predecessor of Bluegrass.

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Old-Time Roots
Old-Time Roots

Work by

Shanae Winslow


““Outlier Rodeo” boldly illuminates the unexplored and marginalized people and narratives of the Wild West, casting aside antiquated genre conventions to reveal the raw, diverse, and kick-ass stories...” [More]