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Faculty of Design


Meet the Artist




““Outlier Rodeo” boldly illuminates the unexplored and marginalized people and narratives of the Wild West, casting aside antiquated genre conventions to reveal the raw, diverse, and kick-ass stories often overshadowed by mainstream portrayals.”

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Shanae Winslow dances between worlds as a Toronto-based Illustrator and Creative Writer, bridging our realm with the Cosmic Desert Limbo ( a psychedelic Wild West mindscape that toes the line between the fantastical and the absurd). With brush in hand, Shanae conjures characters and worlds that resonate with a sense of nostalgia and a dash of humour, ranging from the light-hearted to the deeply, darkly satirical.Amidst a digital age, Shanae remains anchored in the analog, revelling in its tactile, raw, human-made essence. This connection allows emotions to flow freely, creating art that is imperfect, beautiful, and humbling.
OCAD U - Faculty of Design
Major In progress, 2024