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Faculty of Design

Material Art & Design

Jessica Prust

Oneiric I

fine silver repousse, industrial felt, nails, side mirror assembly
The meticulous application of chasing and repoussée is how I stay with the long, frozen moment of my recurring dream and try to truly know it. The silver relief in place of a car mirror requires that one really look at it to see where forms begin and end, and decide what they are seeing, as one would in such a nebulous surface as the veil between waking and sleep.

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Oneiric I
Oneiric I
Oneiric I
Oneiric I

Work by

Jessica Prust


“When a dream repeats, we tend to ask after its meaning. The suspenseful crux of my recurring dream is the vision of a horse out of place. The specific symbol of the horse, in dreams and in art,...” [More]