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Faculty of Design


Mira Armstrong

Love Song Confusion

Pencil crayons, Watercolour, Gouache
11" x 14"
This illustration depicts animals who sing and call to attract a mate, celebrating the diversity of different species and their mating rituals. In showing a myriad of marsh animals displaying this behavior as they surround an unused phonograph, this image suggests our odd use of love songs. As we rarely use romantic songs to attract a partner but rather musicians use music to attract an audience and listeners use music as a form of entertainment. This highlights that our love song language may be seen as odd in comparison to animals who dedicate their songs for the sole purpose of finding a mate.

“ Although human beings are just as talented in their musical capabilities, due to their commercialization, love songs seem to have lost their purpose. In current culture, they’re primarily used for entertainment rather than for attracting a partner. ”

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Love Song Confusion
Love Song Confusion

Work by

Mira Armstrong


“ANIMAL-LIKE is a series of conceptual-editorial illustrations depicting the contradicting nature of humanity using the guise of animals. The aim is to start a discussion concerning our...” [More]