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Faculty of Design


Mira Armstrong

The Camouflage We Wear

Digital Medium (Adobe Photoshop)
8" x 10"
Animals born without their natural pattern can be more susceptible to bullying and predation such as fawns displaying piebaldism. The visuals provided here is the fawn trying to blend in to laundry that is adorned with various different wild animal patterns. In this way the fawn is compared to a person who tries to blend in with others through the clothing they wear. The piebaldism this fawn displays shows how a pattern that isn't "natural" can cause one to stand out.

“The patterns of an animal’s coat cloak an animal to blend in with its surroundings. Similarly, people use clothes and fashion to subconsciously fit in with others. ”

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The Camouflage We Wear
The Camouflage We Wear

Work by

Mira Armstrong


“ANIMAL-LIKE is a series of conceptual-editorial illustrations depicting the contradicting nature of humanity using the guise of animals. The aim is to start a discussion concerning our...” [More]