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Faculty of Design


Eugene Yang

Dia de Muertos

Dia de Muertos is a traditional Mexican holiday that commemorates the spirits of departed loved ones. During this day, people believe that their loved ones return to the world of living. People offer prayers for their deceased friends and family members. They decorate their home altar or graveyards with their photos, flowers, candles, and the favourite food of their departed loved ones.My piece is a depiction of a beautifully adorned home altar, complete with the favorite foods and items of the departed. It captures the essence of the holiday by featuring a spirit from a photograph, sitting on the altar.

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Dia de Muertos
Dia de Muertos

Work by

Eugene Yang aka. Yuzu


“The concepts of death and the soul, as well as the afterlife, often evoke feelings of darkness and weightiness within us. Saying farewell to our loved ones, whether they are family members, friends,...” [More]