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Faculty of Design

Material Art & Design

Jessica Prust

Oneiric II

lost wax cast white brass and sterling silver, handmade felt
A handmade facsimile of a piece of equestrian equipment, this work addresses the swirling themes present in my recurring dream by mystifying an implement of control of its subject, the horse. The metal bit confronts the hypotheses of my dream notes - guilt, compliance, will, courage, vulnerability, all of which I see through a unifying lens of girlhood - and makes their resolution urgent.

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Oneiric II
Oneiric II
Oneiric II
Oneiric II
Oneiric II
Oneiric II

Work by

Jessica Prust


“When a dream repeats, we tend to ask after its meaning. The suspenseful crux of my recurring dream is the vision of a horse out of place. The specific symbol of the horse, in dreams and in art,...” [More]