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Faculty of Art

Drawing and Painting

Muhib Sahion

Through The Ashes

Mixed Media on Unstretched Canvas
6ft3in x 4ft7in
From the ashes of my past... I rise.

“Through the Ashes stands as a powerful testament to the memories of my childhood, each imbued with its own weight and significance. It serves as an impactful reflection of experiences I had long buried, yet felt compelled to confront through my art. In this haunting portrayal of turmoil, conflict, and loss, I delve into the depths of despair and confinement, but also unearth the resilience of the human spirit. Amidst the darkness, there is a glimmer of hope, a testament to the unshakeable will to survive and the courage to confront and transcend the traumas of the past. Through this evocative piece, I embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing, acknowledging that only by confronting the past can we truly embrace the possibilities of the future.”

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Through The Ashes
Through The Ashes
Through The Ashes
Through The Ashes
Through The Ashes
Through The Ashes
Through The Ashes
Through The Ashes

Work by

Muhib Sahion

Drawing and Painting

“My artistic practice is deeply rooted in personal experiences of conflict, displacement, and loss; while reflecting upon my childhood memories of the Iraq/US war. This body of work explores,...” [More]