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Faculty of Art

Drawing and Painting

Madhura Thavalingam

Afternoon Light

Oil on Canvas
9 x 12"
This painting portrays a scenic and luscious grassy field softly swaying in the breeze. Situated on the edge of a large park, bordering on the side of a road lined with a variety of old trees; this happens to rapidly become one of the few natural stretches of land yet to be untouched by development within the area. This work serves to display the beauty as well as the underlying significance of longstanding green-spaces and mature trees to the environment, as well as for the people who live within them.

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Afternoon Light
Afternoon Light
Afternoon Light (collection detail)
Afternoon Light (collection detail)
2024, GradEX 109
OCAD University

Work by

Madhura Thavalingam

Drawing and Painting

“We lay our scene in a domestic interior reminiscent of those from another time, where decorative patterns of green foliage line the walls and over which hangs a small collection of landscape...” [More]