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Faculty of Art

Drawing and Painting

Abrar Al Mouktaran

"I Am Whole"

Willow charcoal on paper.
42 x 72 inches
A life-sized drawing of me, myselves, and I.

During the creation of this project, my mind wandered through the corridors of my life—reflecting on the past, embracing the present, and contemplating the future. I found myself delving into the details of each photograph, pondering over the who, when, why, and where. With keen observation, I scrutinized not just the surroundings but also my own body language captured in each frame.The decision to make it life-sized was driven by a poignant realization. Many children mark their height on a door frame in their childhood home—a ritual I never experienced mostly because I spent half of my life moving around from one place to another. Thus, I envisioned this project as a tangible representation of my height, a visual benchmark that would allow me to see and measure myself in a way that echoes the childhood tradition I never had.I decided to work with my recovered old photos, which were buried underground in a box in the basement of my childhood home for over 10 years. The five figures in my finished piece played a significant role in shaping who I am today—they represent different aspects of myself, and collectively, they define my identity.

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"I Am Whole"
"I Am Whole"
"I Am Whole"
"I Am Whole"

Work by

Abrar Al Mouktaran

Drawing and Painting

“This year, as I mark half of my life as a refugee, my work resonates with the enduring trauma etched into every fibre of my being. Delving into the depths of memory, I unearth references from my...” [More]