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Faculty of Arts & Science

Digital Futures

Leanna Barwick

Bad Arm

Mixed Media
Bad Arm is the story of a disembodiednon-normative body part. There is a shortwritten component and a digital component.A visitor to the interactive space is met withthe sound of a baby crying and a digital arm.When the arm is clicked on the audio storychanges.Bad Arm is a browser based digital artwork,coded using p5.js, that incorporates audioand user interaction with a 3D object. Themanipulatable object is a digital model of aphysical casting, made from a mould of theartist’s left arm, that has been digitized usingphotogrammetry software.

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Bad Arm
Bad Arm

Work by

Leanna Barwick

Digital Futures Program, game design, organizational development, coaching, systems thinking, systems design

“During GradEx108, visit website to book a creative coaching sample session using the Playshop: Karaoke installation room....” [More]