Faculty of Design
Material Art & Design
Aleena Derohanian
04 S.S. Banana Express: Next Stop, Pound Town
Mixed Media
Polyurethane resin, MDF, copper, polyurethane foam, brass, sterling silver, quartz.
7" x 7" x 11.5"
Slush casting multiple colours of resin into a banana mould has created the smooth, gradated colours seen on each fruit. The bananas are contoured with custom fitting, high polish copper and sterling silver accents.The structure then ascends through brass wire, domed copper, and layers of resin and expandable foam to culminate at the top with a quartz stone set in a sterling silver bezel. Photo credit: Aleena Derohanian
“Many people who report having been abducted by aliens return with stories of having been sexually examined by their captors. Also, bananas are a very phallic fruit. Get it?”

Work by
Aleena Derohanian
Mixed Media
“One of my favourite parts of having been an OCAD U student was the access to many different fabrication studios. This thesis collection is dedicated to showcasing the love I have for mixed media...” [More]
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