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Faculty of Art

Experimental Animation

Megumi Takebayashi Tomas

Don't Sleep on the Subway

Synopsis: A sleep deprived artist struggles to stay awake on their mundane subway commute. It’s only a matter of time before they find themselves trapped in a surreal dream where their imagination starts to bleed into reality.Special Credit to the Leads of this Project:Art Director: Xandria MorenoProducer: Megumi "Moog" Takebayashi TomasCharacter Lead: Lemon Rincon“Don't Sleep On The Subway is 2D animated short I had the amazing opportunity of directing for OCADU's Animation Studio House. With the dedicated work of passionate artists and animators, we combined our skills together to create this choatic and whimsical almagamation of various animation styles and techniques. This short film evolved from being just another school assignment into a passion project for many of us. More importantly, this work instilled a deep sense of community and newfound joy for collaboration for the artists that contributed to this project for eight months straight."

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Don't Sleep on the Subway
Don't Sleep on the Subway

Work by

Megumi Takebayashi Tomas aka. Moogwoog


“Filling the empty spaces with line and motion. ”