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Faculty of Design


Mira Armstrong

Grocery "Struggles"

Digital Medium (Adobe Photoshop)
8" x 10"
A maned wolf's diet is incredibly varied and includes a number of different items. Foods like fruit, a main proponent of their diet, is often taken for granted by us. Despite their scarcity in the wild, most fruits are widely available in most grocery stores. An animal like the Maned Wolf may travel vast distances in addition to exuding much effort into having a proper balanced diet. Whereas people often struggle with this fact, despite advancements in technology making a balanced diet readily available to us we have various reasonings as to why it is difficult to eat proper.

“Much of an animal’s everyday life depends on their ability to locate and consume food. Often people in the Western world don’t realize how much easier we have it, as they always try to make the process easier with technology, i.e. delivery services. ”

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Grocery "Struggles"
Grocery "Struggles"

Work by

Mira Armstrong


“ANIMAL-LIKE is a series of conceptual-editorial illustrations depicting the contradicting nature of humanity using the guise of animals. The aim is to start a discussion concerning our...” [More]