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Faculty of Art

Drawing and Painting

Talla El Senoussi

The Martyr

oil on canvas
The city and its land serve as a living memorial, a rich history book whose walls are the pages on which its story is written. Artists, akin to historians, etch the essence of the people and events that have shaped the land, capturing the spirits of those who have passed, hence weaving their existences into the very fabric of the place. Particularly during times of war and revolution, these walls become canvases decorated with images and texts aimed at immortalizing pivotal moments and commemorating the bravery and sacrifices of those involved. The Arabic term "الشهيد," meaning "the martyr," is a frequent sight, paying homage to individuals who have fallen while resisting oppression under tyrannical, violent, and corrupt regimes.Such commemorations honor known martyrs. When I see them, my mind is flooded with questions about the countless unknown "شهداء" who have left no one behind to remember or celebrate their stories. I created this piece specifically for them; a painting with two lines left intentionally blank stands as a tribute to the unrecognized martyrs, offering a space for the names of the unknown to be silently acknowledged. It invites viewers who have lost someone to oppression or in the act of resistance to mentally inscribe their loved ones' names within these lines, fostering a personal connection to the collective memory of sacrifice and resilience.

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The Martyr
The Martyr

Work by

Talla El Senoussi

Drawing and Painting

“I have a paintbrush for a megaphone. In light of the current political climate in the Middle East, my work has evolved from highlighting the beauty and nuances of my Egyptian identity and culture to...” [More]