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Faculty of Art

Drawing and Painting

Muhib Sahion

Shattered Realities

Mixed Media on Unstretched Canvas
4ft10" x 4ft11"
Is this the end, or merely the beginning of even more turmoil?

“Shattered Realities serves as a compelling amalgamation of multiple memories intertwined within a single piece of art. It encapsulates the transition from the end of one war to the ominous onset of another—a cyclical narrative of despair entwined with threads of hope. Through its imagery, it vividly portrays the everyday realities of growing up in a war-torn country—the relentless echoing sounds of helicopters, bombs, and bullets serving as a haunting reminder that each day could be our last. The searing explosions, the menacing presence of barbed wire, and the toxic smell of smoke evoke a sense of suffocation and entrapment. Yet, amidst the chaos, there is a flicker of hope—a hope for a brighter future, and a longing to bury the painful past.”

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Shattered Realities
Shattered Realities
Shattered Realities
Shattered Realities
Shattered Realities
Shattered Realities
Shattered Realities
Shattered Realities

Work by

Muhib Sahion

Drawing and Painting

“My artistic practice is deeply rooted in personal experiences of conflict, displacement, and loss; while reflecting upon my childhood memories of the Iraq/US war. This body of work explores,...” [More]