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Faculty of Design


Shanae Winslow

"No Damsel" Brewery Label Set

Hybrid Media: India Ink, Archival Marker, Digital
7" x 4" (Each)
A series of label designs that celebrate historical women of the West who defied stereotypes. “Doc’s Orders” honours Susan “Doc Susie” Anderson, a pioneering frontier physician; “Wild at Hart” features the defiant bandit queen Pearl Hart; and “Vaquera” pays tribute to Johanna “Chona” July, a fearless horsebreaker who challenged traditional gender roles in her field.

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No Damsel
No Damsel

Work by

Shanae Winslow


““Outlier Rodeo” boldly illuminates the unexplored and marginalized people and narratives of the Wild West, casting aside antiquated genre conventions to reveal the raw, diverse, and kick-ass stories...” [More]