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Faculty of Design


Cuiqi Li

10 Thesis Illustrates (pure enjoyment edition)

"If We Live in Surrealism World" is a series of challenging daily stereotypes and logic. Inspired by the style of surrealist artists, this series showcases life stories from different surreal worlds, immersing viewers in the first-person perspective to experience the fantastical colours of various surreal universes. In this project, surreal universes merge with the universe of real life, aiming to inspire viewers to reconsider ordinary things. At the same time, this project introduces the surrealist movement to audiences.Enjoy : D

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10 Thesis Illustrates (pure enjoyment edition)
10 Thesis Illustrates (pure enjoyment edition)
10 Thesis Illustrates (pure enjoyment edition)
10 Thesis Illustrates (pure enjoyment edition)
10 Thesis Illustrates (pure enjoyment edition)
10 Thesis Illustrates (pure enjoyment edition)
10 Thesis Illustrates (pure enjoyment edition)
10 Thesis Illustrates (pure enjoyment edition)
10 Thesis Illustrates (pure enjoyment edition)
10 Thesis Illustrates (pure enjoyment edition)
10 Thesis Illustrates (pure enjoyment edition)
10 Thesis Illustrates (pure enjoyment edition)
10 Thesis Illustrates (pure enjoyment edition)
10 Thesis Illustrates (pure enjoyment edition)
10 Thesis Illustrates (pure enjoyment edition)
10 Thesis Illustrates (pure enjoyment edition)
10 Thesis Illustrates (pure enjoyment edition)
10 Thesis Illustrates (pure enjoyment edition)
10 Thesis Illustrates (pure enjoyment edition)
10 Thesis Illustrates (pure enjoyment edition)
2024, OCAD U GradEx 109
115 McCaul St Level 1, Toronto, ON M5T 1G1

Work by

Cuiqi Li aka. Cay


“"If We Live in Surrealism World" is a series of challenging daily stereotypes and logic. Inspired by the style of surrealist artists, this series showcases life stories from different surreal worlds,...” [More]