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Faculty of Design


Shanae Winslow

Annie Oakley VS. Lillian Smith

Watercolour and India Ink on Hot Press Paper
14.5" x 10"
“Annie Oakley VS. Lillian Smith” delves into the destructive nature of women’s rivalry in the workplace, as seen through the tumultuous relationship of these two talented performers in Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show. Their competitive dynamic ultimately led to Smith’s downfall, highlighting the consequences of women being pitted against each other in male-dominated industries.

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Annie Oakley VS. Lillian Smith
Annie Oakley VS. Lillian Smith

Work by

Shanae Winslow


““Outlier Rodeo” boldly illuminates the unexplored and marginalized people and narratives of the Wild West, casting aside antiquated genre conventions to reveal the raw, diverse, and kick-ass stories...” [More]