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Faculty of Design


Jehan Salim

Nobo Kumar Bhadra

digital art
9.5" by 14.5"
While he never had the opportunity to finish school as a child, Bhadra used to paint banners for a movie with his father which he used his talents as a painter to paint designs on rickshaws. He had a niche of painting movie poster style type paintings on rickshaws that had a dynamic feel to them. In relation to his movie inspired paintings this illustration is a take on him being in a movie poster as an action movie character.

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Nobo Kumar Bhadra”
Nobo Kumar Bhadra”

Work by

Jehan Salim


““But Where Are You Really From?” explores the illustrator’s mixed Bangladeshi/Filipino heritage through a series of illustrations showcasing ten artists from both sides portraying their lives before...” [More]