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Faculty of Design


Mira Armstrong

Migratory Folly

Watercolour, Gouache, Pencil Crayons & Ink Pens
11" x 14"
The Greater flamingo will migrate to warmer waters to raise their young. By depicting a pair of flamingoes who denied migration, they are still exhibiting behavior as if they had migrated. Despite being in a snowy lake, long since frozen over, the flamingoes try to adapt to the cold climate by wearing hats/scarves and attempting to brood over an egg, even going as far as creating a chick out of snow.

“The act of migration is often one that involves commitment to a long arduous journey followed by meaningful change. In choosing not to migrate, the flamingoes try to fool themselves by making their environment fit the needs migrating would have fulfilled. ”

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Migratory Folly
Migratory Folly

Work by

Mira Armstrong


“ANIMAL-LIKE is a series of conceptual-editorial illustrations depicting the contradicting nature of humanity using the guise of animals. The aim is to start a discussion concerning our...” [More]