Faculty of Art
Drawing and Painting
Patty Bowman Kingsley
Beauty through Ashes . Re: Membering
Mixed Media
Fire, charcoal chunks, glazing medium, heavy gel on wood panel with bent aluminum edge
36" Circle on 1.5" Depth
2000 (CAD)
For Sale
There is no north, south, east, or west in this work. It is a circle, with no dominant orientation. For me, unlearning has been about recollecting understanding, reflection, and reminding my ‘self’ that I can become a different soul, I can be remembered into the collective community,I want to be part of a table of remembering wherein each one lays themselves beside another and collectively we create a place of abiding where the absence of one part of that assemblage would be a loss to the collective work of humanity.
Work by
Patty Bowman Kingsley aka. PLBK
Cross Disciplinary Mixed Media
“As a multi-disciplinary artist, people, materials, and creativity frame the breadth of joy and hope explored and expressed in my work. My changing collections and publications can be found here --...” [More]
Celebrate the work of OCAD U’s class of 2023/2024!