Asbestos Owl
Asbestos Owl


Asbestos Owl

The Brown Spotted Owl's habitat is threatened by more larger wild fires caused by global warming. By combining with asbestos it will be able to withstand the fires.




One of the most docile and threatened creatures, pandas, utilize their mis-treated bamboo forests as defense for their habitat and lives.

Butterfly of Biodiversity
Butterfly of Biodiversity


Butterfly of Biodiversity

The waste of water for non-biodiverse lawns for hundreds of thousands of homes threatens native plants and species that hold together the environment.

Byeee Catch
Byeee Catch


Byeee Catch

Sea turtles adapted with razor sharp fins and shells will allow for them to slice through ocean fishing nets that have by-catch (unwanted marine life caught in the nets) and free them, allowing marine animals to survive longer.

No Shot
No Shot


No Shot

North American birds of prey like the Eagle, Red tailed hawk, Falcon and North American Kestrel all have a more likely chance of being needlessly killed by birdshot and shotguns along power lines then electricity. By utilizing armor they will have... More

Slothy Sabotage
Slothy Sabotage


Slothy Sabotage

The three toed sloth is such a docile creature whose jungle habitats are constantly shrinking from deforestation and pollution. If they can fight back and sabotage human destruction they give themselves a better future.

Tatted Adelies
Tatted Adelies


Tatted Adelies

Adelie penguins are one of the most threatened penguin species and despite their size, they can band together and utilize the trash patches in the ocean and arctic to become bandits of the ocean.

Tire Marked
Tire Marked


Tire Marked

Cheetahs way of life are threatened by constant safari and human interference. By their patterns evolving they may have a better chance of blending in.

Trash Kings
Trash Kings


Trash Kings

With constant tourism along mountains and hiking, trash is left behind with no cleanup crew due to the altitudes and inaccessibility. By utilizing the trash to their advantage snow leopards can adapt and blend in with the trash for a higher chance... More

Work by

Natalie Cain aka. Nootle


“Amensalism- The interaction of 2 species where one species has a great negative impact on the other and the affected species has no impact on the first. Like elephants walking on grass, they feel...” [More]