Carnation Embrace
The mother archetype is a universal and symbolic concept representing the nurturing, caring, and protective qualities often associated with mothers. This oil painting, depicting the Mother Archetype, is my mother. The first bond a young girl will... More
Creator amongst the Cosmos
The term 'creator' can manifest in various ways. At its core, creation involves bringing something into the world. The botanical essence of Cosmos serves as a metaphor, aiding us in translating abstract or emotional concepts, much like an artist... More
Eclipsed Illumination
The visionary archetype embodies imagination, intuition, and foresight, allowing individuals to transcend present limitations and pursue their visions purposefully. Sunflowers symbolize adoration, loyalty, and resilience, thriving even in... More
Gladiolus Glory
The divine feminine archetype of the warrior embodies strength, courage, and resilience alongside compassion, intuition, and nurturing qualities. Advocating for justice, protection, and liberation, she champions equality, healing, and... More
Indigo Awakening
The Mystic archetype represents a profound journey toward unity with the Divine or the Absolute, emphasizing introspection, surrender, and a deep connection to spiritual truths that transcend rational understanding. The Mystic explores unseen... More
Lavendar Whispers
The Healer archetype is the part of the self that initiates the process of becoming. The part that reveals the cracks so the light can enter. The elimination of the eyes in this portrait reminds the viewer that they, themselves, are the answer.... More
Petals of Innocence
The maiden archetype represents youth, innocence, purity, and the beginning of a journey or transition into adulthood. Often associated with curiosity, naivety, idealism, and a sense of adventure, the maiden archetype embodies the energy of new... More
Queen of Lillies
In all her glory, the Queen of Lillies sits on her throne. Lilies, with their majestic and graceful appearance, enhance these characteristics of authority, grace, and leadership. They are often associated with purity, virtue, and renewal. When... More