Battlefield is a time-based media piece collaged from two images; the foreground being an image I took myself back in 2016 of Antonio Canova's "Psyche Revived by Cupid's Kiss" and the background image being Hiromichi Matsuda's photograph "Mushroom... More
Cyborg Egg Funeral
A sad day amongst all the other little cyborg eggs out there... Audio: Por Ti Volarè by Endo Rivera
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Final project for life studies capstone class. Audio composed by myself using Native Instruments and Logic Pro.
I Stole Your Heart
Time-based media that shows my interactive wearable that reads your pulse to activate its LEDs. The code is processed through Arduino Uno. Sound composed by myself using Native Instruments and Logic Pro.
Work by
Zoë Roiati-Antonucci aka. Zoë Starra
Cross-Disciplinary Art: Life Studies
“I believe I can assimilate the modern world with the forces of nature. I want to have the best of both worlds. When I claim that I am a cyborg, I don’t say it to be special or different. My purpose...” [More]