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Heart of my Sister
Heart of my Sister

Artwork Collection

Heart of my Sister

This diptych is dedicated to my long time best friend, Kyra. Although this playroom was built for me, it shared itself to another. As an only child I often felt the weight of trying to figure life out on my own, but with her support it made things... More

Friendship Love Nostalgia Childhood

Sweetest Dreams, Love
Sweetest Dreams, Love

Artwork Collection

Sweetest Dreams, Love

This series of work focuses specifically on my childhood bedroom. When the pieces are places in order from left to right, they allow for a panoramic view of the room, highlighting aspects of the safety and security I felt during my girlhood. The... More

Childhood Reminiscence Youth Nostalgia

Work by

Asha Hall

Drawing and Painting

“My paintings allow me to both re-enter a world that is long gone, one without worry and with endless time ahead, but also to find acceptance in the passing of time. I am driven by a longing for my...” [More]