In the Life Studies specialization, students combine hands-on studio work while exploring subjects related to life and living things. Students explore topics such as nature, anatomy, technology, biology, ecology and sustainability. This specialization offers a focus on science and humanities through creative lenses.
Zoë Roiati-Antonucci
Zoë Roiati-Antonucci

Cross-Disciplinary Art: Life Studies

Zoë Roiati-Antonucci aka. Zoë Starra

“I believe I can assimilate the modern world with the forces of nature. I want to have the best of both worlds. When I claim that I am a cyborg, I don’t say it to be special or different. My purpose is to express a relationship between technology... More

Jordan Ferguson
Jordan Ferguson

Cross-Disciplinary Art: Life Studies

Jordan Ferguson

“Exploring the human figure in two dimensions is my main focus. I intend to continue these figurative studies, seeking to infer inner emotion as well as conscious body language through various media – to try and capture the figure “in the moment”. ”

Kaylee Meyer
Kaylee Meyer

Cross-Disciplinary Art: Life Studies

Kaylee Meyer

“I have witnessed the ecosystems of my island, Antigua, transform around me. I observed the increased development in coastal areas, progression of the tourism industry and the detrimental/destructive effects it has. Collage gives room for... More

Chris Leithead
Chris Leithead

Cross-Disciplinary Art: Life Studies

Chris Leithead

“Latex works which live, change over time. ”