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Criticism and Curatorial Practice at OCAD U is the first undergrad program in Canada to prepare artists to be critics and curators. Students also get experience in the studio making art themselves.
Liv Cerda
Liv Cerda

Criticism and Curatorial Practice

Liv Cerda

“The Spires Project is a living, working archive of symbols for connection and takes 3 independent forms; playing cards, a book, and projection slides. Through the agency of revealing self-similarity and beauty in the symbols, I seek to spark... More

Katarina Holbrough
Katarina Holbrough

Criticism and Curatorial Practice

Katarina Holbrough

“My series of paintings create a liminal space that tells a familial narrative through the malleability of time. I use the amalgamation of different frames and moments to create a tapestry of stories that describe the generational knowledge and... More

Alexandra Johnston
Alexandra Johnston

Criticism and Curatorial Practice

Alexandra Johnston

“Mississauga-based artist creating moments of optimism and stillness through botanical paintings ”

Ella Taylor
Ella Taylor

View Medal Winners

Criticism and Curatorial Practice

Ella Taylor

“Ella’s work engages with pedagogies of place, queer theory, community-based projects and gardening. Using auto-theory as a place to begin, Ella's writing finds space for critical theory in the scribbles on the margins of pages, interlaced within... More

Jackie Knight
Jackie Knight

Criticism and Curatorial Practice

Jackie Knight

“Working from an initial smudging with pencil crayon, I begin to see images within the clouds of pink. Imagery of love, fertility, fandom, sport and pornography begin to layer atop of each other as if they are fleeting moments transforming into the... More

Anajoara Eom
Anajoara Eom

Criticism and Curatorial Practice

Anajoara Eom

Shanwei Fu
Shanwei Fu

Criticism and Curatorial Practice

Shanwei Fu

“Curator, Artist, Flâneur, Poet. More

Victoria Sisko
Victoria Sisko

Criticism and Curatorial Practice

Victoria Sisko

Celebrate the work of OCAD U’s class of 2022/2023!