In the Illustration program, students learn how to produce images that complement the written word or stand on their own. Students are encouraged to express their individual artistic voice, while examining the world we live in.
Mia Viva
Mia Viva


Mia Viva

“"An Otherwise Excellent Mind" is a series of illustrations empathetically highlighting and portraying true stories and accounts of the experiences of people living with neurological disorders, showing the malleability and fallibility of our brain's... More

Alice Huang
Alice Huang


Alice Huang aka. Alice H-

“Fresh out of school, and hungry for work- ”

Arin MacDonald
Arin MacDonald


Arin MacDonald aka. Banshee_Boy_

“This is just a test page for GradEx 2019 :) More

Juliette Vermeersch
Juliette Vermeersch


Juliette Vermeersch

Eric Belanger
Eric Belanger


Eric Belanger

Skylar Dunk
Skylar Dunk

Illustration and Printmaking

Skylar Dunk aka. Skylar

Sherlyn Choe
Sherlyn Choe

Visual Arts and Illustration

Sherlyn Choe aka. S.M.Choe

Chris Tu
Chris Tu
Kun Xu
Kun Xu
Amanda Arlotta
Amanda Arlotta
Ej Saunders
Ej Saunders
Dong wuk Kang
Dong wuk Kang
Yiyin Zhu
Yiyin Zhu
Salva Modarres
Salva Modarres
Dylan North
Dylan North
Nan Shi
Nan Shi
Josh Middleton
Josh Middleton
Olivia Di Gregorio
Olivia Di Gregorio