In this media arts program, students learn film, video, electronics and interactivity, creative coding, performance, installation, animation and sound. Students learn technical and creative skills to create a variety of media and digital artworks.
MyLy Pham
MyLy Pham

Photography (Profile Discipline)

MyLy Pham aka. MyLy The Artist (Profile Pseudoymn)

“(Profile Pitch) More

Mickie McCartney
Mickie McCartney

Mickie McCartney aka. Micketty

“Breathing Room is the culmination of two years’ research into textile-based means of ‘sensing’ through electronics. I seek to find accurate and expressive means of translating my experiences with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Autism Spectrum... More

Sofia Mesa
Sofia Mesa
Janica Olpindo
Janica Olpindo

Media Art

Janica Olpindo

Hal October
Hal October
lwrds duniam
lwrds duniam
Lisa Jeong
Lisa Jeong
Yuling Chen
Yuling Chen
Rachel Scrivo
Rachel Scrivo
Dorothy Chow
Dorothy Chow